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99nicu (5) AAP (4) Alliance for Patient Access (10) American Academy of Pediatrics (6) breastfeeding (3) chorioamnionitis (4) chronic lung disease (8) CLD (3) Close Collaboration with Parents (3) color of Noise (3) couplet care rooms (3) COVID-19 (9) covid-19 pandemic (7) discharge preparation (3) disparities in perinatal care (3) ELBW (6) endotracheal tube (4) epigenetics (3) evacuation (2) evidence based neonatal care (3) extra-uterine environment (3) Extremely low birth weight (4) Family Centered Care (4) Family Integrated Care (3) FDA (3) First Candle (4) genetic consultation (4) health equity (6) HFJV (8) HFO (5) HFOV (3) HIE (3) High frequency jet ventilation (10) High frequency Oscillation Ventilation (3) human milk (3) ICD-10 coding (4) IFCDC (8) IFCDC Standards (8) Infant and Family Centered Developmental Care (9) infant feeding management (3) infant mortality (4) infant safe sleep practices (4) intraventricular hemorrhage (4) Kangaroo Care (5) maternal mortality (3) microcephaly (3) mother/infant dyad (4) mothers with COVID-19 (3) National Coalition for Infant Health (3) National Perinatal Association (9) National Perinatal Information Center (6) NEC (6) necrotizing enterocolitis (6) neonatal jaundice (3) neonatal nutrition (2) neonatology solutions (4) neuroprotection (3) NICU (8) NICU directory (4) NICU respiratory therapists (3) NIDCAP (3) NPA (3) NPIC (5) omphalocele (3) parent-infant attachment (4) parent-infant interactions (4) parental depression and anxiety (3) patent ductus arteriosus (4) peer-driven bereavement support (3) phototherapy (4) Postpartum Depression (6) PPHN (3) Pregnancy (2) Premature infants (3) preterm infants (2) prevention (3) PTSD (3) pulmonary vascular resistance (3) quality improvement projects (3) racial equity (3) resuscitation (3) RSV (3) SENSE (3) shelter in place (2) SIDS (8) skin-to-skin contact (4) sleep (3) Social Determinants of Health (4) Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (8) Sudden Unexpected infant Death (4) SUID (3) therapeutic hypothermia (2) trauma (3) umbilical cord (4) umbilical cord blood gases (5) ventilation (2) very low birth weight (4) VG (2) VLBW (3) volume guarantee (2)