Hot topics in the 99nicu forums

Francesco Cardona, MD, MSc and Stefan Johansson, MD, PhD

I sincerely hope you had a good start into the new year. Let me share the latest topics from our discussion boards on

Delayed cord clamping (DCC) remains widely discussed. If everything runs smoothly during birth, it is commonly done. In situations with a depressed child or other special circumstances such as antepartum hemorrhage, it remains unclear on what approach is the most successful without having further studies. (1)

Newborns born in humanitarian crisis pose a real ethical challenge for practice. Finding a solution in situations of limited resources and estimating the quality of life is not easy and has been a subject in a recent review of the literature. (2)

Every now and then users post valuable links with special interest for neonatal staff; a great resource, for example, is the NCBI bookshelf, which has several books and reports available free. If you have not come across it, be sure to look it up. (3)

Another valuable resource is free online didactic videos, e.g., by OPENPediatrics. Breastfeeding education is essential on neonatal wards, and the shared video gives good insights. This is completely in agreement with our mission for #FOAMneo. This is short for “free open access medical education,” and something we believe in very strongly. Medical education should not only be dependent on resources behind paywalls. (4)

Sometimes old posts are reactivated, and discussion continues. Fentanyl as premedication for neonatal intubation remains a hot topic. A member from Hungary shared a link to participate in their study on neonatal intubation medications. If you want to help out and share how it is done in your parts, follow the link on our forum. (5)

Naturally, we have also continued organizational work for our upcoming conference in Denmark this April – less than three more months to go. We believe we have an interesting lineup of international lecturers and we warmly invite you to join us for this unique conference.

If you are interested in our topics or have other neonatal questions you want to ask an engaged international crowd of neonatal staff, then join us on our forum on

Check it out!

Francesco Cardona, MD, MSc
Consultant, Medical University of Vienna
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Vienna, Austria

