High-Reliability Organizing (HRO): Engagement Matters, Is Personal, and Initiates Enactment 1. The Color of Noise Impairs Cognition

Daved van Stralen, MD, FAAP, Sean D. McKay, Element Rescue, LLC, Thomas A. Mercer, RAdm, USN (Retired)


The characteristics of abrupt crises are the elements that cause stress and fear. Stress impairs cognition, fear generates defensive behaviors, and existential threat drives aggressive behaviors. Nobody wants this; organizations expend effort to prevent or mitigate stress and fear. Unfortunately, these efforts promulgate and normalize belief in the inevitability of stress. Fear becomes normalized through situationally accepted behaviors such as anger and intimidation, creating the ecology of fear. These same stress responses, fear reactions, and amygdala reflexes drive engagement in the situation. Engagement mitigates and resolves the crisis. Engagement also modulates the stress responses, fear reactions, and amygdala reflexes that enable that engagement. Counterintuitively, stress-impaired cognition, fear-circuit behaviors, and amygdala-driven reflexive behaviors caused by the crisis are necessary for engagement in that crisis. 


Paramedics brought a pediatric motor vehicle collision victim into the trauma room. Staff became involved with the patient’s care. The chief surgical resident for trauma entered, immediately calling out orders. Any miss brought a stiff rebuke from the chief resident. As the pediatric resident entered, the surgical resident demanded orders for specific drugs. The pediatric resident looked through a book and began calculating drug dosages. The surgical resident demanded a faster response. Everyone in the room worked rapidly, directing their attention toward the child rather than each other. 

Later, the surgical resident ridiculed the pediatric resident for searching for drug doses in a book and using a calculator. The trauma residents were proud of their performance. What they saw was constant activity in response to their orders. One of the authors (DvS) had witnessed his first extensive resuscitation in a hospital and had a different view. The author observed the resuscitation team operating under the influence of fear. 

The surgical resident did most of the talking, the tone tense, becoming louder as the resuscitation progressed. Communication only occurred from the chief resident to an individual. If people communicated at all, it was through eye contact and whispers. Coordination was about not interfering with each other rather than working together. Information was only given to the surgical resident when requested and only for that specific request. Nothing was volunteered. All actions followed direct orders from the resident; there was little independent action to fix an immediate problem. 



The characteristics of forcing functions and abrupt crises create our ability to engage those crises. 

Stress-induced cognitive impairments “disarm” the executive functions to prevent intrusion of abstractions and future thinking while limiting various memory systems. Stress brings mental focus to the immediate circumstances. 

Fear circuitry behaviors, operating below the level of consciousness, keep us safe from threat. We can operate with safety. Distance can reduce stress, returning some of our cognitive functions. 

The amygdala operates at the subcortical level, identifying threats and initiating survival behaviors before we can recognize danger. 

Without modulation, stress-induced cognitions become disorders, fear circuitry behaviors become disruptive, and amygdala-driven fear behaviors become dangerous. Inadequate top-down modulation from executives, administrators, regulators, and legal counsel contributes to the ecology of fear. Repeated references to risk extend the span of control for this leadership. Such extended control, however, impairs engagement in the crises that the leaders hope to mitigate. However, not only is engagement impaired at the level of local groupings but also impaired is the necessary close-in support from the full field view. Over time, there will be a widening of the operational gap between the central organizational authority and the operational line authority. 

These cognitions and behaviors can become normalized through bottom-up incorporation into the organization’s culture. Because they are natural and produce swift results, they appear effective. This normalization creates unrecognized stress responses, unrecognized fear reactions, and situational cognitive distortions. The result is impaired immediate engagement of early heralds of failure and covert, compensated system failure. 

Recognition of the inherent vices of stress and threat can move individuals and organizations toward effective modulation. Gaining the ability to operate in uncertainty and time compression permits the use of greater resources, widening the spectrum of available information. A great limitation to problem-solving is our mental limits on ourselves and each other. Seeing the problem as a puzzle rather than as mysteries to investigate is simpler. Stress and fear impede the engagement of mysteries. We can use Adrian Wolfberg’s concept of Full Spectrum Analysis (77) when unimpeded. We can then extend Neonatology into new areas and the mystery of the next infant’s illness. 


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Disclosures: No author has professional or financial relationships with any companies that are relevant to this study. There are no conflicts of interest or sources of funding to declare. 
